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, Ridgewell Erratic Boulders, RIDGEWELL , Braintree District, TL738413, Historical site only
Site category: Boulders - other types Site name: Ridgewell Erratic boulders Grid reference: TL 738413 Brief description of site: North of the village at Bowles Farm were two glacial erratic boulders of unusual rock types. Unfortunately they have subsequently been removed by person or persons unknown. A boulder of sandstone still exists on the village green. ------------------------------------------- Summary of geological interest North of the village near the road junction at Bowles Farm were two glacial erratic boulders hidden in the grass by the red post box. They were of great interest because they were both igneous rocks of different types. Sadly they have now been removed. Their whereabouts is unknown. One was a 60 centimetre (2 foot) long angular boulder of fine-grained basalt and the other was a rounded boulder of a coarser-grained igneous rock of similar size that may be syenite. On the village green (TL 737408) is a round sandstone erratic boulder (80cm x 60cm x 30cm), thought to be of Spilsby Sandstone from Lincolnshire.
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